
Inspiratie hebben we van tijd tot tijd allemaal nodig. Raak geïnspireerd door het lezen van teksten en boeken en bekijk inspirerende video's. Deze zorgen er voor dat je focus houd op datgeen echt belangrijk is...

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Inspiratie tekst



Een inspirerende video over de echte zin van het leven.


gebruik je innerlijke kracht – louise hay
Gebruik je innerlijke kracht – Louise Hay
wij zijn ons brein – dick schwaab
Wij zijn ons brein – Dick Schwaab
houd me vast – sue johnson
Houd me vast – Sue Johnson
beziel je leven – wayne dyer
Beziel je leven – Wayne Dyer
spoedcursus verlichting – tijn touber
Spoedcursus verlichting – Tijn Touber
laat je hersenen niet zitten – eric scherder
Laat je hersenen niet zitten – Eric Scherder
het maakbare brein – margriet sitskoorn
Het maakbare brein – Margriet Sitskoorn
get the life you want – richard bandler
Get the life you want – Richard Bandler
feel the fear and do it anyway – susan jeffers
Feel the fear and do it anyway – Susan Jeffers
waarom begrijp je me niet? – heldeweg e.a.
Waarom begrijp je me niet? – Heldeweg e.a.


Create Your Meaning of Life

Life isn’t about finding yourself
Life is about creating yourself
Everything around us that we call life
Was made up by people that are no smarter than you
So build a life, don’t live one, build one
What life will you build?

Life is not something that has meaning
It is something we give meaning to

You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future
Because believing that the dots will connect down the road
Will give you the confidence to follow your heart
Even when it leads you off the well-worn path
And that will make all the difference

You don’t end up with a meaningful life, you create it

And it is gonna get hard and you’re gonna want to quit sometimes
But it will be colored by who you are
And more who you want to be

We are the masters of our universe
The creators of our human existence and of our own destiny

The hardest thing to listen to your instinct your human personal intuition
Always whispers it never shouts
Very hard to hear
So you have to every day of your lives
Be ready to hear what whispers in your ears
It very rarely shouts
And if you can listen to the whisper
And it’s something you think you want to do for the rest of your life
Then that is going to be what you do for the rest of your life
And we will benefit from everything you do

It’s about letting the universe know what you want
And working toward it
While letting go how it comes to pass

You will need to find your passion
Find your passion and follow it
Don’t give up on finding it

There is a power within YOU
Which is far superior to any condition
Or circumstance outside of you


And if you’re sitting around waiting
On somebody to save you, to fix you
To even help you
You are wasting your time
Because only you have the power to take responsibility
To move your life forward
And the sooner you get that
The sooner your life gets into gear
What matters now is this moment
And your willingness to see this moment
For what it is, accept it
Forgive the past
Take responsibility and move forward

So when I think of what is the meaning of life
People ask that question on the assumption
That meaning is something you look for
And then I found it
And it doesn’t consider the possibility
That maybe the meaning in life is something that you create
You manufacture for yourself and for others

What do you desire?

What makes you itch?

How would you really enjoy spending your life?